Site updated on 13th September 2018 » Recent project: » Updated page: Home
This site is just a convenient home for all my side projects and is intended as a bit of a portfolio for the sake of anyone cyber stalking me. Everything you see is my own work, including this sites implementation. Check out my contact details on the Contact page if you want to get in touch. Thanks for visiting, and I hope you find something fun or useful on the site.
To see the more experimental things I am working on try looking at the Work section of the sitemap, as this is automatically populated as I create projects.
Laser Scanning
Project to hookup a high throughput laser scanner to a rugged robot chassis.
A good measure of complexity in higher organisms is the number of different cell types, from 3 in some Fungi and up to 170 in Humans. The abundance of many protein domains that are involved in extracellular processes correlate with the number of cell types. One such extracellular process is the complex system by which cells communicate between each other via signalling pathways. The aim of this project is to understand how the complexity of calcium signalling pathways has emerged in higher organisms over evolution.
Evolutionary Computation
Symbibots was an artificial life simulation software I wrote for my undergrad dissertation. The project addressed if a Genetic Algorithm was appropriate for use in making adaptive and quality real-time-game playing agents, within a human time frame of play. The answer to some extent was yes...
A lot more work needs to go into this project to make it generally interesting to the public. But the code remains just in case anyone is curious or fancies picking up the project. -
Satellite Data Ordering System
My undergraduate degree involved a year in industry with the Remote Sensing Group, at the Plymouth Marine Biology Labs. As part of my time there I engineered a large scale online data ordering system for satellite data.
XCountry Mountain Biking
Prior to PhD and my move to Bristol I was into cross country mountain biking in a big way. I've cycled most of the major trails in Wales, and really enjoy being out in the middle of nowhere pedalling.
I really enjoy photography.